Amateur/Ham Radio Meetup Recap: 9/28/2016
This month’s meetup was small, but successful!
We discussed a few other local radio enthusiast meetups around the area, including HARC (Hiawatha Amateur Radio Club; meets 2nd Thursday of every month at the Perry Public Library) and the DMRAA (Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association; meets 4th Tuesday of every month at Plymouth Congregational Church, 42nd and Ingersoll, Des Moines).
We chatted briefly with another operator on his way back home using Echolink, a program that allows licensed amateur radio stations to communicate using streaming audio. We were able to talk for a few minutes before he needed to sign off.
Southeast Iowa Hamfest is coming up this weekend as well; it takes place this Sunday, October 2, at the Muscatine County Fairgrounds in West Liberty. Whether you’re a seasoned licensed ham operator or just want to learn more about the world of amateur radio operation, head over and check it out!
We’d love to see more radio enthusiasts at our monthly meetups, so if you or anyone you know are interested, our meeting time is the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Area515 Makerspace, from 7-9 PM. You don’t need to be a licensed ham radio operator to attend, nor is it necessary to be a member of Area515. Just show up and we’ll talk shop about all things amateur radio!