Building Bridges Together

The Area 515 Community Engagement Committee is pleased to announce the success of this year’s Bridge Building competition held on October 2nd prior to this year’s annual member meeting. Makerspace members gathered to design and build popsicle stick bridges with the goal of holding as much weight as you can before collapsing. Many ideas were put to the test while members enjoyed vibrant conversation lasting up to and after the annual members meeting.

Makerspace member Alex Patch admires his handy work
Makerspace member Alex Patch admiring his handy work

Ultimately member Alex Patch had the most unique design. Alex used scraps from the woodshop to create a jig allowing him to build a strong box frame of popsicle sticks to support a roadbed made entirely out of hot glue! The extreme flexibility of the glue allowed for the bridge to have an extreme amount of bend in it. In the end the bridge did not break, but the bend became so great that it was no longer able to span the gap and fell down. Truly a sight to behold! 


The Area 515 Community Engagement Committee plans to hold more social events in the months to come and we hope you will be able to join us for them. Stay tuned in to the calendar, google groups, or join our new slack for more information.