Makers, Hobbyists, & Tinkerers

resize1Outfitting a workshop is expensive. Or maybe you don’t have the room, and need an alternative to a garage rental where you are welcome to make a mess. We offer the largest shared workshop in Des Moines, already filled with tools and equipment.

If you just want to make something, we have a well-equipped woodworking shop with a lathe, planer-jointer, table saws, and many other tools. If you want to learn welding or work on your car, our garage space is the perfect place to get dirty. Want to learn new tools? We offer 3D printers from Prusa Research and SeeMeCNC, a laser cutter, and a CNC router.

For the hacker types, we have a signal generator, oscilloscope, several well-equipped soldering stations, and a fantastic group of fellow enthusiasts. Now that Radio Shack is dead, we stock electronics components for members to use as needed. Come check us out during our regular open house any Tuesday from 7 – 9pm, or pick any of several ways to get in touch with us.